Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A few of our early A&S projects

Deryk has made several items for himself and others swords, shields, and garb.  I think he is most proud of his garb making.  He has also started working in leather more.  I like the leather working but not so much with the banging at all hours.

First Garb

Shield Cover (I think his first one)

FR Banner

I have mostly been a photographer, cook, and seamstress.  I do not make weapons because my husband is so good.  I do like to sew and cook.  I was first known as the bread wench.  I really liked that nickname.  I was always asked by Winters Edge (my previous home) to take photos at events and I was thrilled to do so.

One of the colleges that I created
My first attempt at a skirt.
This shirt was made for our wedding by me.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Meet the MacCoills

Mararee and Deryk MacCoill are former residents of the Failia Ranae in the principality of Winter's Edge.  A few moons ago we traveled a great distance to come to reside in North River of the Kingdom of Neverwinter.