Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Best made plans and all that

Well I had planned to write this up yesterday and upload but I was struck down with a migraine.  So I will be almost a full day off my planned schedule.  Well lets go on with it.

Weekly Spread:

Card 1:  The Empress (R)

Guenevere: Insecurity, may be trying to hard.  Being too rigid.

Card 2: Ace of Spears
The Grail Lance:  The aces are to me harder cards.  There is just so little for my brain to lock onto.  To me I see this as looking for new directions, thinking outside the box for solutions.
Card 3: Four of Shields
The Homespun Tunic:  I love this card just because I love sewing and crafting items.  So I always this as rewarding creative and hard work.  Taking ones time to do something correctly.
My take away is that what is happening is not working.  Stop look again and find a better more stable way to do things.  Be more willing to look at the situation from all angles.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Moved again

We are becoming professional rolling stones.  This makes the third time this year we have moved!  I have been on a self imposed hiatus while my life has been shifting.   We are still setting up our new home but we should be here for a while I hope.

I am going to shift from a daily tarot card to a weekly 3 card reading.  I will try to do my reading on Sunday but post it and the reflection later in the week.  This should be a more manageable goal for me to accomplish. 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Weekly Spread

3 Cards

Since today is Labor day and I am off work I have done a simple 3 card spread to start off the week.  Friday I did a large spiritual based based reading for my birthday.  Today I will continue that string with a Mind/Body/Spirit spread.  Again I will not be delving into a solution as I am not really asking a question but just looking into myself for guidance.

Mind  - 9 of Shields ⤓ -Ragnell - looking too much at myself and centering my views as such
Body - 8 of Spears - The White Stag - youth, adventure
Spirit - 14 Temperance - The Cauldron of Annwn - Peace, renewal and balance.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Birthday Spread

Tree of Life 

It is my BIRTHDAY! To start my day and my year off right I am doing a larger spread. I have done a 10 card Tree of Life spread.

The spread is laid out from right to left starting at the top.

1. Highest Ideal -
La Cote Male Tale & Maledisant - The court celebrates the marriage of the valiant La Cote Male Tail and the damsel Maledisant.
2. Creative power-
Camelot - With the arrival of winter, halls fill and hearts lift.
3. Wisdom -
Bors - Cousin of Lancelot, Bars was one of three to achieve the Holy Grail, after which he was dubbed 'The Messenger' and entrusted to carry the news of the completed Quest t to the world.
4. Virtues -
Igraine- Mother of Arthur, Igraine became the much-loved queen of Uther Pendragon, with whom she ruled the Kingdom as an equal partner.
5. Discipline -

The Salmon - Having eaten the Nuts of Knowledge, the salmon was thought to be the wisest of living things, and it represents the high mystic knowledge appreciated by the intuitive, emotional self.
6. Health -
Wind Harps of War - Giant wind harps are erected upon the cliffs, where their fearful drone will greet the enemy.
7. Love -
The Cauldron of Annwn - The Cauldron of Annwn: Nine priestesses attend the Cauldron of Annwn, source of inspiration and mantic talent. Many peoples have attributed the powers of prophecy, inspiration, and art to the three motifs depicted in the painting-the omnipotent spring, the cauldron, and the head. The bards of Arthur's time believed the Cauldron of Annwn was the source of their inspiration and unearthly talents. The early Welsh poem The Spoils of Annwfn tells of Arthur's daring raid on the Other world in search of its cauldron. Three ships ventured to the Twilight Land, passing many uncharted isles where the Forever Young mixed their sparkling wines. On reaching the cauldron, the raiders found the forces of the fay awaiting them. A battle more dreadful than words ensued. Though Arthur succeeded in stealing the Cauldron, the terror and tragedy of the venture led the King to forbid the seven soul survivors to speak of it again.
8. Creation -
In Ector's Keeping - Under the fosterage of Sir Ector, a young, unknown Arthur enjoyed days of play.
9. Imagination -
The Firedrake- The Firedrake: The dragon of comets heralds the new era. Having returned to Britain, Aurelius Ambrosius dealt with the usurper Vortigern and took his rightful place as High King. Together with his younger brother Uther, Ambrosius rallied the Britons in an effort to reclaim the lands Vortigern had lost to the Saxons and curtail the terror they unleashed upon the people. For the most part, the Britons were successful, but still the struggle continued. On the death of Ambrosius, the traumatized people of Britain braced themselves, fearing a return to dark days. At this precarious time a beautiful dragon shaped comet traced the skies, which Merlin claimed portended the coming reign of Uther and the glory of his yet unborn son. The people took heart at the beautiful sight and turned to their courageous new King. Thereafter, Uther was known as the Pendragon ("Head Dragon"), a title he later passed on to his son.
10. Earthly home -

Camlann - The dark day cometh when brother turns against brother upon the battlefield of Camlann.As you may have noticed I have dome something different this time. Instead of the meanings of the cards I have given you their stories. These are the stories that are given with each card per the booklet that came with the deck. Quite often I draw my meanings from the stories than from the suit, number, or traditional meaning.

As you can see I have done something a little different.  I have not given you the card meanings.  I have decided instead to show you the stories.  That is in fact why I love this deck so much.  Each card is linked to aspect of a story.  I will often pull the meanings from the stories more than from the suit, the number or whatever else.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

DTC: King of Cups

King of Cups
The Fisher King

This card is so serene.  The Fisher King is fishing peacefully in a river.  You can see a small waterfall in the background just adding to tranquility of the card.  One thing i notice every time is that he is not looking at the reader and he is unarmed as if he is unconcerned for us and his enemies (if he has any).  He simply is passing time fishing at the river.

There are many legends surrounding the Fisher King.  For the Arthur legends, he is the guardian of the grail.  He is also wounded in the leg and waits to be healed.  My inference is the knight who can heal him is the one deserving to find the grail.  

Knowing the legend (a small fraction) and the imagery in the card, I feel this is a card of patience and reflection.  You know what you need but you have to wait before it comes to you.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Weekend Spread

I have been kinda bleak of late.  It makes pulling a daily tarot card a bit hard.  So this weekend I set down and did a simple 3 card spread.  I have decided to share that with you today to make up for missing the daily tarot today.

I did a relationship spread.  Layout is simple You, Them, and together.

Queen of Spears (Dindrane)→ Justice (Lady of the Lake) → King Of Swords (Mordred)⤓

Queen of Spears -  Strong woman seeking knowledge to help others.

Justice - GUT - being judged - determining worth

King of Swords ⤓ -  Being used, unfavorable outcomes.

I see the person is searching, possibly lost on their path, may be unsure of their place.  Justice as a person or group of people is read as judgmental or over-evaluating.  The King of Swords reverse states the out come of this current relationship is not a pleasant one.  People are going to feel cheated and manipulated.

Please feel free to let me know how you would see this reading and outcome.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

DTC: Page of Swords

Page of Swords ⤓
The Adder

The court cards are always difficult for me the read.  The Pages and Aces are the hardest.  I think today I got the easiest of the lot.

The Adder is simply that an Adder.  The card is a wonderfully painted serpent.  So after the feeling creeped out by the fact I am looking at a snake.  The Adder (snake/serpent) plays a number of roles in folklore and mythology.  To me the first thing I remember is the snake is wise.  But this creature has a duality, it seen as both good and evil.

Today the Adder is reversed.  I see this as being his "evil" side coming out.  It may be bad news, or misunderstanding that causes harsh consequences.

Monday, August 21, 2017

DTC: Seven of Spears

Daily Tarot Card:
Seven of Spears
Arch of the Twelve Kings
This is a lovely card for today.  

I find this card to be very soothing.  It depicts 2 soldiers/Knights resting under an arch.  This arch is well light with statues of Kings set in the walls.  Each king is softly glowing with the color of candle light.  The top of the arch is decorated with a floral garland.  The arch feels like it is place of worship or reflection.  It would be someplace to go when you need guidance.

Usually I read this card as taking time to reflect and gather your bearings.  A quite moment of Zen before moving on with your plans.  Which is very different from the imagery in other decks.

Friday, August 18, 2017

DTC: The Fool

Daily Tarot Card
The Fool
Major Arcana 0

Ok I take back my statement earlier this week.  I seem to not have block on the Major Arcana.  I seem to be getting them just fine right now.

Ah, The Fool.  Isn't he just lovely and whimsical.  This card is all sorts of bright and cheerful right down to the double rainbow over Camelot.  Percival has finally reached Camelot, where he intends to fulfill his quest to become a knight of the round table.  He is young and with an energetic pup looks out over his future as bright and hopeful.

That is how I interpret this card.  Looking brightly into the future with hope and optimism.  It can almost seem to be you are ignore all negatives and just seeing that which you want.  

Bullet Journal Ideas

So I have asked Jason for a notebook to use as a journal.  Last year I was introduced to the idea of bullet journaling.  It looks awesome and I use a very simple for of it at work to keep organised.  But I leave that journal at my desk at all times because it is for work info and tracking known issues.  Also I do not want my personal endeavors listed in a work Journal.

So I have been looking on line at different videos and ideas.  One Youtuber made a great point, list out what you want to track and what sections you want.  So I am going to make that list here.  Since one of my goals this year (my birthday is coming up and I want to start that weekend) is to be more active in my Tarot blog and in the craft, so they will be in my journal.

The List (subject to loads of changes)

  • Mood
  • Water
  • DTC
  • Monthly Layout
  • Deck own & lust list
  • Birthdays
  • Books/Movies/TV to partake
  • daily flash journaling
  • Dance Days (need to move more)
  • The Moons

Things need:
  • notebook
  • Bullet Ruler (silly but please)
  • pens
  • stickers (I cannot draw so pretties!)
Jason "bought" me a new journal.  He helped me pick it out cause it has to me.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

DTC: The Chariot

Daily Tarot Card
The Chariot
Major Arcana #7(r)
Battle of Mount Badon

Wow, 2 major arcana in one week.  my mind must be sifting through some heavy stuff right now.

Ok first off this card is based off an actual historic battle.  The story may be a legend now but it has a actual real start in history.  Historians still debate the actual location of this battle but all agree it did happen.

The imagery on this card is very masculine.  Front and center is King Arthur in his chariot, his sword drawn, and his army following behind him.  What my eye is drawn to is the sky.  This is a card of battle, death, mayhem, and a beautiful peaceful sky.  It just so odd to me, I would have thought a dark sky for such an event.  To me that signifies I am looking at the confident conquerors.

It is nor surprising that the typical meaning for this card is a good start or overcoming obstacles with ease.  But our card is reversed.   To me, the reverse means a lack of confidence in overcoming a challenge, may be being unsure of how to begin a project and anxiety.

Since I am late posting this, I added the Shaman-Caselli Tarot (far left) and the Aquarius Tarot (far right) in the pictures.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

DTC: Seven of Swords

Daily Tarot Card
Seven Of Swords (r)
The Sword in the Stone

This is a repeat card.  So I will try to think of it in a different light.  Last time this card utterly confused me, and to be honest it still does.

I really love looking at this card.  To me this is where my fascination with King Arthur began and then spiraled out of control.  I am of course talking about the story of the Sword in the Stone.  Except there is twist in the card.  That is not Arthur pulling the sword but Galahad pulling Balin's sword.  I had to Google the Balin story to refresh.

In a nutshell a Lady of Avalon (not THE Lady) comes to Arthur's court shortly after Balin had been released from prison.  The Lady announced only the purest knight may unsheathe the sword.  Everyone tried, including King Arthur, but no one could pull the sword.  Balin asked to try and after some hesitation the Lady agreed.  Balin, who was imprisoned because he was wrongly accused of killing the King's cousin, pulled the sword and claimed it as his prize.  But the Lady warned that keeping the sword would prove his undoing.  Balin is eventually banished from Arthur's court and is set on a path of destruction. Nope, I am not going to tell you the whole sordid affair, you should go read it yourself.
In this card we see Galahad claiming this sword from the river with Arthur watching from the bank behind him.  This marks the beginning of Galahad's quest.  But I want to take not of the water, it is running water.  Running water in some stories is known to purify and remove curses.  So by placing the sword in the river, Merlin has removed the curse that Balin suffered.

Now rethinking the card I can now understand the divination/upright meaning for a new beginning.  For the reverse, Galahad pulls this sword on the advice of Arthur and Lancelot since reverse is perceived as negative versions it is starting badly or heading ill advice in the start.

Bonus image:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

DTC: The Hanged Man

Daily Tarot Card
The Hanged Man
Major Arcana #12
Castle Perilous

Today I actually drew a card from the Major Arcana! I am surprised. Normally these cards are elusive in my readings. I will need to do a post later on what the Major Arcana is and how these 22 cards stand apart. But that will be later, for now lets just keep in mind that these are the big cards.

That being said I do not like my card today. It is a sad/depressing scene. You have come upon a an army hanging in the grove outside a castle. It looks like this may be the lane into the castle. These men appear to have been laying siege to the castle, as evident by their camp behind them. the knights are hung and their right leg and arm are bound behind them. The trees are barren, the grass is brown, and overall it feels grey in the picture. I look and look for that little bit of bright light, that small glimmer of hope and I just cannot find it.

Typically this is a card of stagnation and feeling trapped for which its is spot on. In most other decks the man is hung upside down and alive and thus hope is given that it will be better. It is meant to represent self sacrifice and mediation. The Arthurian deck makes it more difficult because the card depicts death from the men to the trees and even to the very grass!

Castle Perilous: The would-be champions of Lady Lyones hang in the trees, unable to free her or themselves. Eager to make a name for himself, the Knight Ironside held Lyones hostage in Castle Perilous, hoping to attract the rescue attempts of the Knights of the Round Table. Many knights came and failed, but still the opponents Ironside wished to face, namely Gawain and Lancelot, had not come to take up his challenge. In a further effort to lure the chosen knights, Ironside began the grizzly custom of hanging his fallen opponents in the trees for all to see. Arthur eventually sent the young Gareth to challenge Ironside. On his arrival, Gareth counted forty knights amongst the trees. This sight enraged Gareth and gave him the strength to overcome Ironside, the Red Knight of the Red Laundes.

May be I should not be focusing on the men, the Card is named for the Castle not the men.  The Castle holds the Lady, she is trapped and waiting.  Possible I should look at this card and see the failures as just that a failed attempts, and that with proper motivation (not death a destruction) that circumstances will change.   That with patience and planning one can change and rescue the lady?

I do understand why this card is showing up in my life.  I will not be posting a recap, it is personal and not something I want to discuss on a public forum.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Returning soon

I am returning to the daily Tarot soon.  There will be one slight change.  Posts will be published at night so that I can do the recap before bed.  This change should make it easier to see what the card is trying to point me towards.

I have not been totally idle.  Well, not in regards to Tarot.  Hubby and I had to move rather quickly, thus the hiatus while finding a new home and getting everything moved over.  I have started following more tarot savvy accounts on social media and podcasts.  I am still researching new decks and reading on the oracle cards.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

on hiatus

I am sorry but I will be on a hiatus for the next few weeks.  I know it is early in this course of action to run away but something is happening in my life that is too distracting to avoid.  I will be back as soon as this issue is resolved in the next month.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Daily Tarot: Nine of Cups

Daily Tarot Card
Nine of Cups
The Healing of the Maimed King

I must be a cup person. I really like the imagery in the cups. This card feels warm to me, the main colors that you see are reds and orange light falling on the people in the card. Makes me think of the sunrise and a fresh start. The center of the card you can see a person tending to another on a stone bed in the forest. Normally that would make me think of end (the bed looks a great deal like a funeral bed) but the colors reminding of morning and starting fresh makes me reconsider the death toll to the card. If it was an ending I would expect cool colors of the evening. The title of the card also leads me to think otherwise, healing of the Maimed King. I am looking at healer working in the woods saving his king who was thought to be lost to his woods (my justification for the funeral looking bed).

I get a very different feeling when I see this card in the RW deck. I think more of greed and self satisfaction. A man sits in front of his nine cups looking very happy with himself.

I am hoping that this means today will be good day to start my new adventure.


Yesterday was a a good day.  I started a new adventure in my dancing and it went really well.  I was not as nervous about starting new things yesterday.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Daily Tarot: Eight of Swords

Daily Tarot Card
Eight of Swords
~Gwenevere at the Stake~

This card depicts the title perfectly. Center of the card is the fair Gwenevere being chained to her stake. She is scared and wildly pulling away from her fate. No matter how hard she struggles her hands and feet remain bound as the "monk" prepares her for what must be done. This card is the saddest card in the minor arcane for me. It fills me with hopeless efforts to change, bring trapped but desperately seeking freedom.

Other decks do have a figure trapped and/or bound but they are not in such immediate danger. Often they give the sense one is trapped by themselves and one's own mind. But in AL it feels more grim, death is behind her pulling her in. Where in RW she (also female) she is simply bound on a plain or beach unsure what is to happen but feeling trapped by what it may be.

I drew this card first thing this morning after bed dreams last night. I think the deck grabbed on to my unease of the dream and found the card to explain myself in the dream. Well played deck, well played.

AL/CD/RW/Phantom Wise (out of print)

Thursday, May 11, 2017

My Deck

This morning I overslept and was distracted so I did not pull a card.  I remembered in the car as I was pulling out of the apartment.  So instead I am going to talk about my deck.  I read and pull my daily cards from the Legend Arthurian deck by Anna-Marie Ferguson.  This is a lovely deck that I have been using roughly for 15 years.  It was gifted to me by my sisters one year for Christmas.

I fell madly in love with this deck.  I have always loved the Arthur legends and have read multiple books on the legends.  Hence the reason my sisters picked it.  But it was not only the link to my favorite stories, the artwork is amazing as well.  I am apparently a fan of watercolors.  I seem to be drawn to this medium both in tarot decks and in general art as well.  This deck feels like you are peering through the veil into another time and reality.

What is really nice, is that I like the back of the cards.  I use the labyrinth on the back in multitude of projects.  It is comfort to sit and think about.  Everyone always talks about the imagery on the front of the card but I find the back to be just as important.  If you cannot stand the back of the card but like the front, avoid the deck.  There will be another deck that resounds more with you.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Daily Tarot: Six of Spear

Daily Tarot Card
Six of Spears (reversed)
~The Return of Ambrosius~

The victors return.  This card is a celebration, a commander returning home victorious.  But we see this in reverse, turned on it's head.  For today this is not a card of celebration.  I will not think it utterly devoid of happiness but it is not a celebration anymore.  Possible in reverse this card is more returning home by the narrowest of margins or at some loss.  The castle is happy for those that have returned but remembering at what cost.

Six of spears carries this image of a joyous triumphant return in the Rider Waite deck.  The Celtic Dragon takes another image.  It still gives the impression of achievement but not a return.  I like the idea of the returning triumphant.

This card feels like a warning for today.  With the good will come the bad.  Tempering joy with reality.

Athurian/Rider Waite/Celtic Dragon/Shadowscape

I was utterly exhausted on this day.  Nothing out the normal occurred.  I am doing this update 2 days later so I may not be remembering properly.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Daily Tarot: Seven of Cups

Daily Tarot Card
Seven of Cups (reversed)
~The Questing Beast~

I love the seven of cups.  It always a whimsical card.  The Arthurian deck depicts the questing beast for this task.  A golden creature of wonder and amazement caught stretching in a beam of sunlight upon it's rocky outcrop ready to jump out into the forest beyond to seek the future.  The card brings about that sense of wonderment and bright aspects.  It just makes me feel good and makes me smile.  Oddly enough this card seems more realistic when reversed, all the creativity and whimsy but a good realism along with it.

As I said this is the card for whimsy.  All my decks depict something wonderful.  Typically it depicts a person choosing from six cups with wondrous or magical fillings.

Arthurian/Rider Waite/Celtic Dragon/Joie de Vivre Tarot 
This was the day I auditioned for a dance troupe.  I did make the troupe.


I am sorry for missing both Sunday and Monday postings.  Yesterday, I was very ill and did not do anything but lay in bed.  Sunday I had planned to do an oracle card of the week.  I drew a card on Sunday and quickly realized I needed to understand the Oracle card process before attempting to post about them.  I will be researching them for the next few weeks and I will bring them in later.  For now I think Sunday will be the weekly 3 card spread.

I will share the card I got on Sunday but there will be no discussion.

The Brat

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Daily Tarot: King of Swords

Daily Tarot Card
King of Swords (upright)

The artwork for this card is wonderfully detailed.  Mordred is depicted on his throne staring straight at you, intently.  HE is the center of this card.  You are drawn to his face where you see a man of intelligence and cunning.  But knowing the story of Mordred, there is a shadow of something dark in those eyes.  The room seems a bit darker as only one small fire in front of him is the light source.  My initial reaction is always male, intelligent, and tactful.  So to me this card represents a tactician,someone who is cunning and just a tad ruthless in his quest.

Swords always seem a bit menacing to me.  They are instruments of death, beautiful and deadly.  Rider Waite Kings all seem the same to me.  Celtic Dragon shows a King deep in thought with a fire drake, I still get that sense of intelligence and tactician but it lacks the menace and cunning.

Today I am going to spending time with my family which makes me feel like I am eggshells.  I will plan everything I say, do, and wear with them in mind.  This is not what I should be thinking about but that is how approach the day with them.  Today will be keeping my plans in mind.  yes, there is stuff unsaid and it will remain unsaid.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Daily Tarot: Ten of Cups

Daily Tarot Card 
Ten of Cups (upright)

I love this card. It just looks magical. It is a soft landscape with a castle on an island in a lake. It is a very serine and calming place. It brings to mind just being clam and finding a happy place.

Taking a quick look at almost any other deck I own and I see this happy theme continued on. I have seen said that cups are the emotions and I can agree with that in this case. Happy and clam is what this cards puts in my mind.

It seems appropriate that I get this card on a Friday. The last work day before the weekend. Today feels more relaxed already.

AL/RW/Goddess/Shadowscape (wishlist)
Yesterday was a nice happy day to end the week.  Nothing special but easy and comfortable.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Explaining Daily Tarot

So as you see I am doing a daily tarot card.  But I think I need to explain this a bit more.  Each morning I am going to draw a card while concentrating on "What do I need to keep in mind today?".  The entry (hopefully) will start of with my description of the card and my initial reaction/feeling about the card.  I will then move on to a comparison of this card in the Arthurian Legends deck (my reading deck) to my other decks.  Lastly I will give my reason why I think this card has appeared for the day.   The next day, I will come back and do a short recap of the day.

I will also be adding artwork of the card so you can see what I am seeing and also show how the card is depicted in other decks.

Please feel free to comment about the cards or my thoughts but keep in mind disrespectful and/or immature comments will not be published.

Daily Tarot: Seven of Swords

Daily Tarot Card
Seven of Swords (reversed)
The Sword in the Stone

This card confuses me.  A knight is pulling the sword from the stone in a lake, he is turned so we see his face and chest as he grips the sword with one hand and has other arm outstretched for balance.  I get all that but I never feel much when I look at this card.  Nothing really just pops in my head like the past 2 days.  My confusion is doubled when the card is reversed.  The card is meant by the book to mean new beginnings when upright and bad advice when reversed.  But I just cannot see it.  I just have no idea what to make of this card.

I think a lot of my confusion comes with that this card is so different from the Rider-Waite card.  Remember, I learned on the Rider-Waite meanings.  In the R-W it always felt this card was up to no go, that the man was stealing 5 swords out of the 7.  It is the same in the Celtic Dragon deck with a man creeping down a dark hall with the swords.  But this is not what you see in the Arthurian deck, here you see a hero pulling the sword from the stone.  Very Confused.

I am not sure how to take this card today.  I am dwelling on the card more today than normal.  I will see what happens and try to link it afterwards.

Shown in Reverse as card was drawn

Well, yesterday was a nothing day.  No strong emotions, no new events, and just status quo.  Still confused on this card.  I will have to scour Acclectic Tarot forums to get some more ideas.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Daily Tarot: Six of Cups

Daily Tarot Card
Six of Cups (upright)
-In Ectors Keeping-

This card just makes me smile.  I love seeing it come up.  The card shows a swimming hole and youths taking time to enjoy it's cool waters.  I can practically hear the shouts and laughs filling the air.  The first thing I think of when this card appears is nostalgia and remembering happy times.

In my other decks, I do not feel that overwhelming sense of nostalgia but I still see that youthful carfree time.  It feels like this card is meant to be one of looking back to your youth or taking time to enjoy what is around you.

I am always living with one foot behind me.  I am always looking over my shoulder at what has been.  I think I will make more of an effort today to look at the bright spots, and enjoy the small things around me.  Smile to brighten my day all day.

Arthurian Legends/ Celtic Dragon / Rider-Waite
*Looking back on yesterday*

Again work was being trial.  It is silly I know and I know it will be resolved, I just hate having to remind others what they need to be doing.  I was trying to keep this card in mind today.  i was using it as my guide so to say.  So when things got to point of utter annoyance, I went for a walk to clear my head and enjoy a few moments in the sun.  When I came back it was much easier to adjust.  I also made more of an effort to smile and be cheery.  Overall I think the day went very well.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Daily Tarot: Five of Shields

Daily Tarot Card 
Five of Shields (upright)
The Wasteland

This card just sounds horrid to me.  I always feel despair when it is drawn.  The card depicts a bleak landscape that has seen battle or ruin but most likely both.  The book meaning is lost of resources.  I can feel that in the card.  There is nothing but 2 people slowly and wearily journey through the wastes.

In all the decks I have used this card always seems to depict lost and movement.  My thought is it should be a trail that one goes through.  The outcome may not be known and hope may be hard to see but we move on.  We always move on, looking for something better and something brighter.

Yesterday was a really bad day for me.  I had a horrid headache, I fell and rolled my bad ankle.  I had an altercation with a vile man on the phone.  Just over all the day was miserable.  I think that this card can up this morning cause yesterday was so rough.  My deck was reminding to push trough the bad and find that brighter spot and go for it.

*Next day looking back*
Yesterday was a good day.  I had a stressful and trying day at work.  After work I went and visited with Dad and had a mini photo shoot with the Sadie child.  My foot was pretty bad yesterday and I ended up just going to bed early to finish the day.