Thursday, May 2, 2019

Reverse Tarot Challenge

I cannot tell you how excited I am for this challenge!   I think it is a brilliant and imaginative way to think about the cards.  My goal during the month of May is to post a card from 1-3 decks each day to my IG.  What will happen here is more in-depth reasoning as to why I picked the cards.  I have decided that I will do weekly round-up of my favorite cards of the week.  (I am really bad with daily blogs)


Each Day on IG I will post a card from my everyday deck, Legends of King Arthur.  I will also try to pick a card from one or two of my other decks ie Shadowscape (this may be a good way to start learning this), Celtic Dragon, Runic, and the Rider-Waite.  I would like to point out that I read more intuitively so the "standard meaning" of the card may not match the theme of the day but I will try to make sure those cards are explained in the weekly blog.

Day 1 Looking Beyond the Obvious

As soon as I saw this prompt I knew exactly what card I wanted to use from the Arthurian Deck.  No doubt for me it is the Nine of Shields Ragnell.
As Gawain gazed into the fire, the Loathly Lady shed her skin and emerged as the comely Ragnell. (from the booklet)
I love this card's story.  It is all about looking beyond, being kind, and not judging.  This is also about making sacrifices for the greater good.  Depending on the surrounding cards I will read it either as look at your negative thing in a new light or "suck it up buttercup" and you will be rewarded.

I decided to go through the Shadowscape deck looking for a card that embodied the teme.  As I said I am starting to read more intuitively so I am looking a the booklet at all for this deck yet.  The 7 of cups just seemed to fit the bill.  I am loving the muse pointing out what is beyond, showing the man what can be,

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Ostara reading

Well, I said I would do one and I did.  But it confuses me and it bothers me.  I have been debating on actually talking about it.  I guess getting it out and maybe will help clear up my confusion.

Since I am confused about the reading I will not be doing an interpretation segment.  This will just be the spread and from the book meanings.

1. Seed - What to plant - The Lovers
Interpretation: Love, harmony, and comfort. The blossoming of a relationship. Trust and honor. Deep emotions. Infatuation, strong desires. Interaction with others. May indicate the beginning of a romance, or the need to make an important decision.
2. Stem - Where to look for support - Temperance (R)
An unpredictable life of extremes. Inability to connect and hear the inner voice. Lack of imagination. Boredom.
3. Prune - What to release - Two of Spears (R)
Dread of future challenges. Pessimism. Heavy burdens.
4. Water - What to nourish - Knight of Shields (R)
One who oppresses the ideas and dreams of others. A stick in the mud. Stagnation and complacency.
5. Bud - What to expect - Two of Swords
Misrepresentation. Vulnerability. Dishonor.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Long time no see!

I don't think I have built up any form of a following on here.  Which is a shame?  I should try harder.  I have a horrible habit of walking away from projects if I get a little lost.  Today I have roamed back to my blog.  I am updating some of the info on me and general housekeeping here.  Digital spring cleaning I think.  Nothing I am changing will be too glaring, just little things in my profile and what not.

Sun and Energy time
This past weekend was my first Ostara celebration and it has inspired my return.  I have been a solitary practitioner in my Wiccan/Magic practice but this was my first group event.   It was interesting being out of the "broom" closet with friends and in a safe space.  I was even allowed to layout my tarot deck on the altar to soak up the sun and the energy of the ritual.  I was also asked/volunteered to call a quarter.  That was a push for me because I am so nervous around so many new people.  It ended up being lovely and I look forward to the next event.
Enjoying the sun!

I have not actually done my Ostara spread yet.  I thought about doing one at the brunch but I did not want to be the only one to have their cards out and reading.  I have found that if I am the only one reading then everyone will ask for reading and I was just too drained by the weekend to do that.  So I will be doing that later in the week and posting a picture on IG.  I have not decided on the spread yet.  I have seen Biddy Tarot has one out but I think I may poke about today and chose the one.

I have found a new tarot podcast that sounds really nice.  Wildy Tarot on Stitcher is great.  I am listening to their "A Good Place to Start" episode and it is like sitting at a table listening to them talk, laugh, and enjoy tarot.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Decemember 2 Reading

Layout: Elements of Life 
Deck: Arthurian Legend

SPIRIT: Representing your core self, truth, beliefs, or messages from the universe
Page of Swords - Insight. Receiving firsthand knowledge of a consequential matter.

AIR: Representing mindset, thought patterns, clarity on what you most need to know right now
Tower - Traumatic change. The destruction of a way of life. Revolution. Loss of stability within a relationship. Financial losses. Revelation. Destruction of the old paves way for the new.
EARTH: Representing finances, abundance, work, and home, and external influences
Two of Shields (R) - Lack of attention to details. Disharmony. Inability to adapt.
WATER: Representing relationships, emotional state, communication, lunar influence
Page of Cups - An imaginative, reflective person. A comforting, inspiring friend who is generous with his or her ideas. Heartwarming news.
FIRE: Representing passion, physical movement, and actions, outcomes, manifestations
Ten of Shields - Enjoying wealth and prosperity. Home and family. The rewards of completing a mission. Maintaining a family tradition. Sharing one's good fortune. Clan gatherings. Possible inheritance.


Well with the good comes the bad.  I am listening to the universe but it is not going to stop my meltdown (Air & Earth).  But I have a strong friends and my wonderful husband to help me even back out (Water & Fire).  May be the Fire card is showing me what to do to stay even.

I did have a mini meltdown since this reading and I now see it was warning me over the past 2 readings but it could not be derailed.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

November 25 Reading

I promise I am not abandoning my blog.  I just get distracted in the Fall.

That being said, if you follow my Instagram you will have seen my weekly readings.  I do not usually explain the reading on IG.  I am planning on doing that here.

Elements of Life Spread from the Biddy Tarot Website.  I am really liking this spread because it is not so question-based.  It is nice to have a spread that just points you in a direction to assist you.  I have not used this spread in a "client" reading yet.  I have been mixing the layout with another Elements spread.  So my layout is a bit different.  I had tried to layout per the watchtower layout but it seems my dyslexia has thwarted that as well.  But my cards know my intent so I will update my spread to the proper alignment starting this weekend.

I do use the elemental descriptions from the Biddy Tarot spread.

SPIRIT: Representing your core self, truth, beliefs, or messages from the universe

AIR: Representing mindset, thought patterns, clarity on what you most need to know right now

EARTH: Representing finances, abundance, work, and home, and external influences

WATER: Representing relationships, emotional state, communication, lunar influence

FIRE: Representing passion, physical movement, and actions, outcomes, manifestations


Spirit: Knight of Spears-Bedivere - travel, a change of residence, or risking unconventional ideas.

Air: The Tower (R) -Vortigern's Fortress - A stale and oppressive lifestyle. Mounting pressure. Feat of the unknown hinders beneficial change.

Earth: Page of Swords (R) - The Adder - An elusive opponent. A stealthy troublemaker. A turncoat.

Water: 3 of Swords - Palomides - Distress. Grieving. Separation. Being haunted by the pain of the past. A difficult period of readjustment. Hurtful remarks of others.

Fire: 2 of Shields - Castle Pendragon - Encountering difficulties that press for a re-evaluation of plans. Contending with fluctuating fortune. Retaining a sense of humor when faced with mishaps. Employing creative maneuvers to avoid troubled waters.

It is true that my life has been shifting all over the place recently.  I am in a constant state of flux.  According to the cards that state is starting to wear me down.  I see that the most in the Tower card in my mindset (Air), in having to constantly readjust my expectations over and over.  The 3 of Swords in my emotional state (Water) seems a bit harsh to me but yes this time of yearly oddly for me is very depressing.  I am not even going to elaborate on the damn Adder (Earth) but yes.  I love the 2 of Shields, it is like a silver lining to all this (Fire).  This is the card of flexibility, going with the flow and smiling all the way. I may be having a rough time with so much right now but I am thinking outside of the box to keep it from dragging me down too far.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Wander returns

I am so horrible attending to my blog.  I just roam away to look at shiny objects.  I really do feel horrid being away so long.

I have been active on Instagram with my tarot.  I have also started with my weekly reading.  Every other week I even read in PUBLIC!  No, I am not taking clients, I just actually read my cards in a local tea shop. This is a huge step for me since there is a huge stigma with tarot and fortune telling in my area.  It is actually forbidden to read for money in the city limits.  I am always careful because some people will call the police and I would get a ticket.  But if I read for myself or my friends I am fine.  As long as no money is involved I can read in public locations.

Currently, my goal is to broaden my spreads.  Every few weeks I will try a new spread either from one of my books or from Instagram.   For the next few weeks, I will be learning the Horoscope Spread.  I have seen this spread in my books for ages but was always wary to try.  The weekend reading was all too confusing.  Just everything a jumble.  I will be trying again after researching the layout a bit more.

Horoscope spread with the Shadowscape Tarot

Friday, March 9, 2018

NEW Deck Time

Yesterday I bit the bullet and ordered my first new deck in ages.  I use to love collecting decks but just stopped for some reason.  But I think I will restart collecting with getting a deck a year or so.

So yesterday (with my bonus) I ordered the Shadowscape deck.  You have seen it shown in many of my card posts cause I am love with the artwork. I just had to have it.  It should be in tomorrow.

This brings up a good question.  Do people read multiple decks?  I do not mean at once but have multiple decks to chose for readings.  I imagine it would be quite nice to set out like three decks in front of your client and ask which deck calls/appeals to them.  I wonder if it would make for a more connected reading.