Monday, September 4, 2017

Weekly Spread

3 Cards

Since today is Labor day and I am off work I have done a simple 3 card spread to start off the week.  Friday I did a large spiritual based based reading for my birthday.  Today I will continue that string with a Mind/Body/Spirit spread.  Again I will not be delving into a solution as I am not really asking a question but just looking into myself for guidance.

Mind  - 9 of Shields ⤓ -Ragnell - looking too much at myself and centering my views as such
Body - 8 of Spears - The White Stag - youth, adventure
Spirit - 14 Temperance - The Cauldron of Annwn - Peace, renewal and balance.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Birthday Spread

Tree of Life 

It is my BIRTHDAY! To start my day and my year off right I am doing a larger spread. I have done a 10 card Tree of Life spread.

The spread is laid out from right to left starting at the top.

1. Highest Ideal -
La Cote Male Tale & Maledisant - The court celebrates the marriage of the valiant La Cote Male Tail and the damsel Maledisant.
2. Creative power-
Camelot - With the arrival of winter, halls fill and hearts lift.
3. Wisdom -
Bors - Cousin of Lancelot, Bars was one of three to achieve the Holy Grail, after which he was dubbed 'The Messenger' and entrusted to carry the news of the completed Quest t to the world.
4. Virtues -
Igraine- Mother of Arthur, Igraine became the much-loved queen of Uther Pendragon, with whom she ruled the Kingdom as an equal partner.
5. Discipline -

The Salmon - Having eaten the Nuts of Knowledge, the salmon was thought to be the wisest of living things, and it represents the high mystic knowledge appreciated by the intuitive, emotional self.
6. Health -
Wind Harps of War - Giant wind harps are erected upon the cliffs, where their fearful drone will greet the enemy.
7. Love -
The Cauldron of Annwn - The Cauldron of Annwn: Nine priestesses attend the Cauldron of Annwn, source of inspiration and mantic talent. Many peoples have attributed the powers of prophecy, inspiration, and art to the three motifs depicted in the painting-the omnipotent spring, the cauldron, and the head. The bards of Arthur's time believed the Cauldron of Annwn was the source of their inspiration and unearthly talents. The early Welsh poem The Spoils of Annwfn tells of Arthur's daring raid on the Other world in search of its cauldron. Three ships ventured to the Twilight Land, passing many uncharted isles where the Forever Young mixed their sparkling wines. On reaching the cauldron, the raiders found the forces of the fay awaiting them. A battle more dreadful than words ensued. Though Arthur succeeded in stealing the Cauldron, the terror and tragedy of the venture led the King to forbid the seven soul survivors to speak of it again.
8. Creation -
In Ector's Keeping - Under the fosterage of Sir Ector, a young, unknown Arthur enjoyed days of play.
9. Imagination -
The Firedrake- The Firedrake: The dragon of comets heralds the new era. Having returned to Britain, Aurelius Ambrosius dealt with the usurper Vortigern and took his rightful place as High King. Together with his younger brother Uther, Ambrosius rallied the Britons in an effort to reclaim the lands Vortigern had lost to the Saxons and curtail the terror they unleashed upon the people. For the most part, the Britons were successful, but still the struggle continued. On the death of Ambrosius, the traumatized people of Britain braced themselves, fearing a return to dark days. At this precarious time a beautiful dragon shaped comet traced the skies, which Merlin claimed portended the coming reign of Uther and the glory of his yet unborn son. The people took heart at the beautiful sight and turned to their courageous new King. Thereafter, Uther was known as the Pendragon ("Head Dragon"), a title he later passed on to his son.
10. Earthly home -

Camlann - The dark day cometh when brother turns against brother upon the battlefield of Camlann.As you may have noticed I have dome something different this time. Instead of the meanings of the cards I have given you their stories. These are the stories that are given with each card per the booklet that came with the deck. Quite often I draw my meanings from the stories than from the suit, number, or traditional meaning.

As you can see I have done something a little different.  I have not given you the card meanings.  I have decided instead to show you the stories.  That is in fact why I love this deck so much.  Each card is linked to aspect of a story.  I will often pull the meanings from the stories more than from the suit, the number or whatever else.