Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Wander returns

I am so horrible attending to my blog.  I just roam away to look at shiny objects.  I really do feel horrid being away so long.

I have been active on Instagram with my tarot.  I have also started with my weekly reading.  Every other week I even read in PUBLIC!  No, I am not taking clients, I just actually read my cards in a local tea shop. This is a huge step for me since there is a huge stigma with tarot and fortune telling in my area.  It is actually forbidden to read for money in the city limits.  I am always careful because some people will call the police and I would get a ticket.  But if I read for myself or my friends I am fine.  As long as no money is involved I can read in public locations.

Currently, my goal is to broaden my spreads.  Every few weeks I will try a new spread either from one of my books or from Instagram.   For the next few weeks, I will be learning the Horoscope Spread.  I have seen this spread in my books for ages but was always wary to try.  The weekend reading was all too confusing.  Just everything a jumble.  I will be trying again after researching the layout a bit more.

Horoscope spread with the Shadowscape Tarot