Since I am confused about the reading I will not be doing an interpretation segment. This will just be the spread and from the book meanings.
1. Seed - What to plant - The Lovers
Interpretation: Love, harmony, and comfort. The blossoming of a relationship. Trust and honor. Deep emotions. Infatuation, strong desires. Interaction with others. May indicate the beginning of a romance, or the need to make an important decision.2. Stem - Where to look for support - Temperance (R)
An unpredictable life of extremes. Inability to connect and hear the inner voice. Lack of imagination. Boredom.
3. Prune - What to release - Two of Spears (R)
Dread of future challenges. Pessimism. Heavy burdens.
4. Water - What to nourish - Knight of Shields (R)
One who oppresses the ideas and dreams of others. A stick in the mud. Stagnation and complacency.
5. Bud - What to expect - Two of Swords
Misrepresentation. Vulnerability. Dishonor.