Thursday, May 23, 2013

North River Coro!

We had our coronation for the North River Park this past weekend.  Had an amazing turn out!  We even had some knights there.  I really enjoy spending the day with my friends and this was a great day.  It did threaten to rain on us for a bit but we popped up some tents and held court in the rain.  I am one up on Deryk when it comes to order of the rose.  Deryk is starting his second term as Sheriff  and I will be regent this term.  That means I need to find a way to host an A&S day.  My home is just too small to have people over and too messy. 

The day was a great success also because we had a class game.  I need to mention that Deryk roleplayed a very awesome and amusing goblin.  We played capture the GOBO.  My husband was so amusing that I spent most of the time giggling at him.  I never ditch and rarely do I partake in the fighter practice.  I do play a 6th level druid however.  I did not say I play well but I do play.  Dekker said it was the first time he saw me play ever and I can believe that.

Later we held a small Iron Man which is always great fun.  I like that the more seasoned warriors will try to help newbies.

Edit 1: added more info about the class game.
Edit 2: Fixed the commenting level.

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed a terrific day with the park and visitors. It was great seeing the visiting Knights, Squires, and others who took the time and gas to travel to our humble park.
    Playing the Great Gobbo of the Grove was pretty fun as well. I may have to look into some garb and go flurby with that persona... >evil grin<
