Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fortune Telling

For those not aware (and there are many), I am a novice fortune teller.  I actually really love the tarot.  I collect decks and I give decks as gifts so my collection is always growing and shrinking.  Tarot has been a part of me since I was a teenager.  I read in college for my friends, I read in England also for my friends, and I have read for charity.  I do not find the cards evil. I do not see them as demonic.  I see them as a line into the unknown that guides me to the past, the present and the future of my reader's soul/psyche/river of life.

I have not been upfront with my passion, in fact I have been known to hide it in the shadows.  This has made the currents angry.  Yes, you read that right.  I believe in life currents.    I believe items have power beyond what we see.  Thus when I say the currents are mad, I mean my cards are mad at me.  They refuse to answer questions or do so in the most infuriating manner.  So, to make them happy and to return to our balance I am bring them back into the light!  I will hide "my wicked ways" no more!  There I have said it, and it feels so very good.

I do have many decks (current count is about 7) but I primarily read with only one deck.  I love her, she speaks to my soul so easily.  Yes, my deck is a girl just ask her yourself.   She is an Arthurian Legends deck published by Llewellyn's and art by Anne-Mare Ferguson.  She was given to me (as all great decks are) by my sisters who understand me better than I do myself.  She was with me in England, in fact my best friend there had the same deck!  She was also the deck that I used to first read my husband, which is how we met.

Sample of the artwork
My hope is to spend some time posting tarot card studies, linking articles on fortune telling, and may be even digital readings.

This series will be cross posted in my mundane blog as well.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

something more modern to want

We all know how quickly technology changes.  It gets better, faster, smaller and more expensive.  Yes, for the most part smaller=$$$.  I can understand why.  Companies invest so much in developing thier products.  They have to see a return on what was put in.  Right?

Well there is a Kickstarter that is throwing that model right out the window.  They are making an uber small chip computer that will sell for 9$.  Nope, I did not miss a number there, I did say 9$.

Now do not expect a typical computer.  C.H.I.P is a tiny computer.  You can surf the net.  You can create documents using libreoffice.  You can connect it to your existing tv/monitor.  You can even connect it to a bluetooth!

I think this is a totally awesome project.  It is an open source project and the CHIP comes with "Scratch - an easy to learn language that teaches the basics of programing by making stories, games, and animations"
see that thing in front of the monitor, that is CHIP!

*update* is taking pre-orders for the CHIP and PocketCHIP!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I love to bake!

I was very happy with my successful muffin bar at the last event.  I love doing breakfast because I can BAKE!  I like to bake.  It is fun.  So now I am thinking ahead to what I want to try next time or even sooner.

I have been reading post on Inn at the Crossroads for ideas and found one that makes my mouth just water.  Honeyed Cakes.  Oh my sweet seven these sound so good!(see what I did there)  I cannot wait to have a free bake day to try them out!

Elizabethan Honeycake Recipe

Elizabethan Almond Cakes- Take one peck of flower, one pound of sugar, one pound of almons, beaten & strained with as much ale as will stiffen your paste, put theirto three spoonfulls of barme, & a few annisseds, then woork it well together, then make it in little cakes, prick them thick for rising & bake them. Elinor Fettiplace’s Receipt Book, 1604
Makes about 12 buns

Prep: 10 minutes Rising: 1.5 hour, minimum Baking: 15 minutes
Our changes: No aniseseeds, don’t like ’em. You are more than welcome to include them if you do, however. We basically used the original recipe, but added honey to the batter, as well as soaking the cakes in honey for a while.

up to 3 1/2 cups flour
3 Tbs. honey
2 tsp. sugar
3 Tbs. ground almonds
1 packet yeast, or 2 1/4 tsp.
1/2 pint ale (1 bottle)
pinch of salt
honey for soaking, probably around 1/2 cup at least

Dissolve the yeast in the warmed ale, and leave to froth up. Grind the almonds and sugar in a food processor, then combine with the flour and salt in a large bowl. Make a small well in the mixture, and pour in the yeasty ale. Adding the flour a bit at a time, work everything all together until it is a nice smooth, pliable consistency leave in a warm place until it has doubled in size. After it has risen, knock it down and knead it for a few minutes before shaping it into around 10 small buns.
Allow the buns to rise again for at least 15 minutes, then bake in a preheated oven for 10-20 minutes at 375 degrees F. The buns should be just slightly golden.
Using a small paring knife, cut a small hole (about 1/2″) in the tops of the buns, poking well down into the cake, but taking care to not poke all the way through. Take a small spoon and carefully fill each hole with honey. You may need to do this several times as the honey soaks into the cake. Put in at least 1 Tbs. honey per cake.

If you have not been to her blog, go read, and enjoy!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Derek Cruice

Yesterday our foam fighting community was shaken and outraged.  Derek Cruice a foam fighter in Florida was killed by police.  Police were at his home at 6:30 am with a narcotics search warrant.  As police were entering his home and while the residents were leaving Cruice was shot once in the face.  Cruice was unarmed and no weapons were found in the home.  Police claim that Cruice was advancing/resisting and was shot.  Others residents present contradict the police.

What I really find a tragedy is that this story will most likely not become apart of the national discussion on police brutality because Cruice is white.  His death is just as brutal and unwarranted as the others in the national discussion but since race will not be factor it will most likely not be included.  I hope that I am wrong and society will include this heinous act in the national discussion soon.

I am thinking this morning of how to make more people aware and make this story seen by more.  I think social media is the key and I am have been thinking of possible hashtags to use (listed below).

#justiceforall #policebrutality #justiceforDerek

My heart and prayers go out to all effected by the untimely death of this young man.

News Report of the incident

Records: FDLE investigations of officer-involved shootings more than doubled in 2 years

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Showing off

It has been awhile since I have sent out a missive here.  Thus time to POST!

Deryk and I have settled onto a hill overlooking Faila Ranae and adjusting nicly.  This shall be where we will stay.  I am looking forward to craft days happening soon!  

I wanted to show off some of the things I have been making recently.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I am a Hooker

Ok now shut your mouth or pick your jaw up.  Becauses, I am not that type of Hooker.  I am a crocheting hooker.  I have been going back to my crafting roots during the MacCoill time as nomads.  I do not have enough space to sew during our journey (which will be ending soon) but crocheting/hooking requires very little space.

The MacCoills have been true nomads this past month.  We have had many events and travelling is getting old, FAST!  Luckily this month will only see one travel day.

More images of our travels will be arriving here soon.


Wednesday, January 14, 2015