Thursday, December 13, 2018

Decemember 2 Reading

Layout: Elements of Life 
Deck: Arthurian Legend

SPIRIT: Representing your core self, truth, beliefs, or messages from the universe
Page of Swords - Insight. Receiving firsthand knowledge of a consequential matter.

AIR: Representing mindset, thought patterns, clarity on what you most need to know right now
Tower - Traumatic change. The destruction of a way of life. Revolution. Loss of stability within a relationship. Financial losses. Revelation. Destruction of the old paves way for the new.
EARTH: Representing finances, abundance, work, and home, and external influences
Two of Shields (R) - Lack of attention to details. Disharmony. Inability to adapt.
WATER: Representing relationships, emotional state, communication, lunar influence
Page of Cups - An imaginative, reflective person. A comforting, inspiring friend who is generous with his or her ideas. Heartwarming news.
FIRE: Representing passion, physical movement, and actions, outcomes, manifestations
Ten of Shields - Enjoying wealth and prosperity. Home and family. The rewards of completing a mission. Maintaining a family tradition. Sharing one's good fortune. Clan gatherings. Possible inheritance.


Well with the good comes the bad.  I am listening to the universe but it is not going to stop my meltdown (Air & Earth).  But I have a strong friends and my wonderful husband to help me even back out (Water & Fire).  May be the Fire card is showing me what to do to stay even.

I did have a mini meltdown since this reading and I now see it was warning me over the past 2 readings but it could not be derailed.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

November 25 Reading

I promise I am not abandoning my blog.  I just get distracted in the Fall.

That being said, if you follow my Instagram you will have seen my weekly readings.  I do not usually explain the reading on IG.  I am planning on doing that here.

Elements of Life Spread from the Biddy Tarot Website.  I am really liking this spread because it is not so question-based.  It is nice to have a spread that just points you in a direction to assist you.  I have not used this spread in a "client" reading yet.  I have been mixing the layout with another Elements spread.  So my layout is a bit different.  I had tried to layout per the watchtower layout but it seems my dyslexia has thwarted that as well.  But my cards know my intent so I will update my spread to the proper alignment starting this weekend.

I do use the elemental descriptions from the Biddy Tarot spread.

SPIRIT: Representing your core self, truth, beliefs, or messages from the universe

AIR: Representing mindset, thought patterns, clarity on what you most need to know right now

EARTH: Representing finances, abundance, work, and home, and external influences

WATER: Representing relationships, emotional state, communication, lunar influence

FIRE: Representing passion, physical movement, and actions, outcomes, manifestations


Spirit: Knight of Spears-Bedivere - travel, a change of residence, or risking unconventional ideas.

Air: The Tower (R) -Vortigern's Fortress - A stale and oppressive lifestyle. Mounting pressure. Feat of the unknown hinders beneficial change.

Earth: Page of Swords (R) - The Adder - An elusive opponent. A stealthy troublemaker. A turncoat.

Water: 3 of Swords - Palomides - Distress. Grieving. Separation. Being haunted by the pain of the past. A difficult period of readjustment. Hurtful remarks of others.

Fire: 2 of Shields - Castle Pendragon - Encountering difficulties that press for a re-evaluation of plans. Contending with fluctuating fortune. Retaining a sense of humor when faced with mishaps. Employing creative maneuvers to avoid troubled waters.

It is true that my life has been shifting all over the place recently.  I am in a constant state of flux.  According to the cards that state is starting to wear me down.  I see that the most in the Tower card in my mindset (Air), in having to constantly readjust my expectations over and over.  The 3 of Swords in my emotional state (Water) seems a bit harsh to me but yes this time of yearly oddly for me is very depressing.  I am not even going to elaborate on the damn Adder (Earth) but yes.  I love the 2 of Shields, it is like a silver lining to all this (Fire).  This is the card of flexibility, going with the flow and smiling all the way. I may be having a rough time with so much right now but I am thinking outside of the box to keep it from dragging me down too far.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Wander returns

I am so horrible attending to my blog.  I just roam away to look at shiny objects.  I really do feel horrid being away so long.

I have been active on Instagram with my tarot.  I have also started with my weekly reading.  Every other week I even read in PUBLIC!  No, I am not taking clients, I just actually read my cards in a local tea shop. This is a huge step for me since there is a huge stigma with tarot and fortune telling in my area.  It is actually forbidden to read for money in the city limits.  I am always careful because some people will call the police and I would get a ticket.  But if I read for myself or my friends I am fine.  As long as no money is involved I can read in public locations.

Currently, my goal is to broaden my spreads.  Every few weeks I will try a new spread either from one of my books or from Instagram.   For the next few weeks, I will be learning the Horoscope Spread.  I have seen this spread in my books for ages but was always wary to try.  The weekend reading was all too confusing.  Just everything a jumble.  I will be trying again after researching the layout a bit more.

Horoscope spread with the Shadowscape Tarot

Friday, March 9, 2018

NEW Deck Time

Yesterday I bit the bullet and ordered my first new deck in ages.  I use to love collecting decks but just stopped for some reason.  But I think I will restart collecting with getting a deck a year or so.

So yesterday (with my bonus) I ordered the Shadowscape deck.  You have seen it shown in many of my card posts cause I am love with the artwork. I just had to have it.  It should be in tomorrow.

This brings up a good question.  Do people read multiple decks?  I do not mean at once but have multiple decks to chose for readings.  I imagine it would be quite nice to set out like three decks in front of your client and ask which deck calls/appeals to them.  I wonder if it would make for a more connected reading.

Moon Cycle Spread

I am following more and more tarot people on Instagram.  Ethony caught my eye with her moon in Scorpio spread.  I will be honest I rarely pay attention to the moon in what house.  This will be push for my boundaries.

The spread is a simple 5 card layout.

  1. What needs transforming at this time? (gain additional insight from the suit of the Tarot card)
  2. What do I need to let go of?
  3. How can I best cultivate inner peace?
  4. How can I best heal old pain?
  5. What do my guides want to tell me going into this moon cycle?

To my knowledge the new moon in Scorpio is a time for evaluation and cleaning your ambition list.  Taking a good look at your present state and letting go (no singing...well ok sing away) of outdated mental baggage.

I have posted my spread on my Instagram but without any explanation to the cards.  (Italic cards are reversed)

  1. Five of Cups - 
  2. Seven Of Shields -  
  3. Five of Swords
  4. Eight of Swords - 
  5. King of Swords -
After doing the reading intuitively, I decided not to post the meanings.  Sorry it ended up being far more personal than I wanted to post.