Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Corronation at Eustis

It always fun to go to the big events, but man does it take the life out of a girl.  I had a blast and meet many more interesting people.  I did not think it was possible to meet more people but indeed I did.

I was not out much with the camera at this event.  Instead I was in watching the Dragon Master judging and being their runner/task master.  We have such talented A&S people here in Neverwinter that made so much stuff.  There were 60+ entries for the competition.  I do like the fact we had the Dragon Master out in the open but "roped" off.  That way everyone could see what was entered.  Deryk did really well taking both Best in Show for his bardic singing of Red is the Rose (he made all the girls cry) and won the overall event!  I am very proud of him and hopefully he will sit the next one out and let others excel.

Look he has a tail!
I did run out and take a few shots of the battle game.  The whole weekend was an RP event.  I and the husband were both on team Cronos.  But sadly we did not win.  Team Zeus got the glory of the win for the weekend.  Everyone I talked to was loving the games that were designed.

As always Saturday night was our feast, which was supper yummy.  Venus did an excellent job running the kitchen.  I helped a little with doctoring hummus that Sir Squire had acquired.   Over all feast was a great success and I want to say thank you to everyone who pitched in to get it all ready!

One of the big highlights of the weekend was that Husband and I were both invited to belt families.  He is now a Man at Arms for Sir Nocturne Karuwhogod and I am a Man at Arms to Sir Venus Hunuwhogod.  Yep, we are belted to married knights!  Heehee just makes me giggle.  Deryk also received his Lord title.  So, he had a great event and I am very happy and proud of him.

*edit* I have changed my reaction buttons below just for giggles.

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