Tuesday, December 3, 2013

9 Things for a happy person

1. A go-to drink.
For alcohol: Hard cider
Non Alcohol: Apple Juice or tea
2. A go-to Bardic song.
Red is the Rose with my husband.
3. A uniform.
Long skirts and peasant shirts.
4. A hair stylist they love.
I had an awesome guy at Hair a go go in Chattanooga but I have not found one here.
5. An exercise routine.
Sadly, I am lazy.  I will start one and not stick to it.  My favorites are yoga and hooping.  I have started to ditch more so that I guess counts.
6. A hobby.
Now this I have in spades.  Fortune telling, photography, sewing, and leather working are what tops the list.
7. A best friend.
Yes and several at that.

8. A healthy sense of self.
I am working on this one.

9. A guilt free indulgence.
A good cuppa and a book to get lost in. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Deryk will be roaming.

So, Deryk and group are getting ready to head out for the wilds of Winter's Edge.  They be enjoying the upcoming event with out me.  I miss all the Winter's Edge people and really want to see them.  But I think that weekend shall be a drink tea and craft time.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Corronation at Eustis

It always fun to go to the big events, but man does it take the life out of a girl.  I had a blast and meet many more interesting people.  I did not think it was possible to meet more people but indeed I did.

I was not out much with the camera at this event.  Instead I was in watching the Dragon Master judging and being their runner/task master.  We have such talented A&S people here in Neverwinter that made so much stuff.  There were 60+ entries for the competition.  I do like the fact we had the Dragon Master out in the open but "roped" off.  That way everyone could see what was entered.  Deryk did really well taking both Best in Show for his bardic singing of Red is the Rose (he made all the girls cry) and won the overall event!  I am very proud of him and hopefully he will sit the next one out and let others excel.

Look he has a tail!
I did run out and take a few shots of the battle game.  The whole weekend was an RP event.  I and the husband were both on team Cronos.  But sadly we did not win.  Team Zeus got the glory of the win for the weekend.  Everyone I talked to was loving the games that were designed.

As always Saturday night was our feast, which was supper yummy.  Venus did an excellent job running the kitchen.  I helped a little with doctoring hummus that Sir Squire had acquired.   Over all feast was a great success and I want to say thank you to everyone who pitched in to get it all ready!

One of the big highlights of the weekend was that Husband and I were both invited to belt families.  He is now a Man at Arms for Sir Nocturne Karuwhogod and I am a Man at Arms to Sir Venus Hunuwhogod.  Yep, we are belted to married knights!  Heehee just makes me giggle.  Deryk also received his Lord title.  So, he had a great event and I am very happy and proud of him.

*edit* I have changed my reaction buttons below just for giggles.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My First Armor

Last night I got my Birthday present a few weeks early.  My loving and awesome husband made me my first armor.  This looks amazing and fits wonderfully.  I did not ask for armor because I do not play enough to warrant the need for anything.  I am usually the Kingdom retrieval fairy (hit the fairy and DIE).  So I was surprised that he made me armor more surprised that last night was the fist time I had seen it.  He did not describe it or anything.  He blindfolded me once to check the fit but that  was it.

He did a much better job of describing what he made.
Leather and Satin lacing. Painted to give the ...effect of bronze-age dye/color rather than modern paints. Bracers are strapped outward for archery use.
Symbolism: Stags are our family device, Oak leaves are our mutual symbol. The circular maze is her single most favorite design, and the flower-and-vine detail is what she selected for our wedding invitations (and has since fallen in love with.)
The labyrinth (maze) is the design from the back of my favorite tarot cards.  They were the deck I was reading the weekend we met.  The wedding design was a blue flower originally but I am really enjoying the purple flower.  I am in love with his oak leaves, and yes that sounded wrong in my head too.

new upload to correct size issues (I hope)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Getting ready for the event

We have another coronation coming up this month.  I am so very excited.  I am going to be splitting my time all over the place.  I will be in the kitchen helping Venus, I will be on the field playing a monster, and I will also be trying to grab photos of everything and everyone.  Yay running around like a chicken.  But I am determined to have fun again (like I do at all the events)!

Husband will be there too.  This time I am not letting him do anything but be his monster.  I do not want to see him in the kitchen or anything during Saturday.  I know he loves to help but he has missed or "worked" the past few events and I know he really enjoys the RP weekends.  Plus he is making me goodies for the weekend.

Ok this would not be me if I did not post at least one random photo:

A goblin from our first event.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

North River crafting day

Today has been the crafting day for our shire.  I would have been happie to see more people here but we ar having a great time.  Deryk is actually teaching sewing lessons.  It is fun to listen to him.  We have made swords, sewn sword covers, and made tunics.
Loads of fun and merriment was had by all.  Deryk actually finished what started out as a simple T-tunic but evolved into a short gored tunic dress for our littlest Amtgarder.  She looked so cute.  I will have to get pics from Dragonfly to show them off. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

North River Coro!

We had our coronation for the North River Park this past weekend.  Had an amazing turn out!  We even had some knights there.  I really enjoy spending the day with my friends and this was a great day.  It did threaten to rain on us for a bit but we popped up some tents and held court in the rain.  I am one up on Deryk when it comes to order of the rose.  Deryk is starting his second term as Sheriff  and I will be regent this term.  That means I need to find a way to host an A&S day.  My home is just too small to have people over and too messy. 

The day was a great success also because we had a class game.  I need to mention that Deryk roleplayed a very awesome and amusing goblin.  We played capture the GOBO.  My husband was so amusing that I spent most of the time giggling at him.  I never ditch and rarely do I partake in the fighter practice.  I do play a 6th level druid however.  I did not say I play well but I do play.  Dekker said it was the first time he saw me play ever and I can believe that.

Later we held a small Iron Man which is always great fun.  I like that the more seasoned warriors will try to help newbies.

Edit 1: added more info about the class game.
Edit 2: Fixed the commenting level.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Midreign fun!

They were hiding eggs.  Creatively.
This past weekend was the Kingdom of Neverwinter's Midreign event.  It was very fun, well organized, delicious.  We had many people who could not come and were greatly missed.  But I did meet some new people that are awesome.

My time was 80/20 on good things and bad things.  I had a huge smile on my face as I spent most of my time at the Weaponmaster taking pictures and talking to friends.

Towards the end of the weaponmaster rain was threatening (actually falling) so I ran (yes sprinted) to my tent to close the vent and lost my glasses somewhere in the 300 yds of leaves.  My frames are brown...they are gone.  What touched me is that I think literally everyone at some point walked that area looking for them.  THANK YOU EVERYONE!  They are still gone and I feel rather stupid for not leaving them in the tent that day.

Izzy and Chico watching the Weaponmaster.

Venus was so dedicated that I had to bring her lunch on the field.

For fear of rain, because I was upset and naptime, I did not get pictures of the balloon fight or gladiator pit.  Sorry guys.

Court was kept sweet and short.  Which for me seemed wrong.  I am so used to our court in Winter's Edge which takes so much longer.  Granted Shal did give stacks of awards to be handed out at the next time several parks met.  Yay!  I did get my 5th order of the Rose.  Very awesome.  

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A few of our early A&S projects

Deryk has made several items for himself and others swords, shields, and garb.  I think he is most proud of his garb making.  He has also started working in leather more.  I like the leather working but not so much with the banging at all hours.

First Garb

Shield Cover (I think his first one)

FR Banner

I have mostly been a photographer, cook, and seamstress.  I do not make weapons because my husband is so good.  I do like to sew and cook.  I was first known as the bread wench.  I really liked that nickname.  I was always asked by Winters Edge (my previous home) to take photos at events and I was thrilled to do so.

One of the colleges that I created
My first attempt at a skirt.
This shirt was made for our wedding by me.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Meet the MacCoills

Mararee and Deryk MacCoill are former residents of the Failia Ranae in the principality of Winter's Edge.  A few moons ago we traveled a great distance to come to reside in North River of the Kingdom of Neverwinter.